Sunday, June 30, 2024

Grab three free months of Game Pass with the Asus ROG Ally X

Best Buy is offering three free months of Game Pass with pre-orders of the Asus ROG Ally X, set to launch on July 22, 2024 for $799. The handheld gaming PC boasts improvements over the original model, including better battery life and design changes. With access to over 100 games on Game Pass, the ROG [...]


The EU's App Store crackdown and Square Enix's buzzword bingo | Week in Mobile Games podcast

The Podcast covers the latest news in the mobile games industry, including Apple’s potential fines in the EU, Supercell’s new game Project R.I.S.E, and Square Enix’s AI investments. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest episodes and industry insights. What are your thoughts on Apple’s App Store practices and the impact on [...]


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Somehow VR games were a highlight of my week | Kaser Focus

GamesBeat has partnered with Lil Snack to offer customized games for their audience, providing an engaging way to interact with their content. The VR crowd had their own showcase, featuring diverse games like Pencil! and Maestro. Other highlights include Baldur’s Gate 3 winning Game of the Year, a resurgence of zombie-themed games, and upcoming releases [...]


Fixing Godot 4.x UI Lag

Some users have noticed that Godot 4.x may be more sluggish than its predecessor, Godot 3.x. KenneyNL pointed out the performance difference and suggested enabling Single Window Mode as a workaround. However, this setting limits the ability to break off windows, which may be a downside for users with multiple monitors. It’s important to consider [...]


Nvidia drops The First Descendant driver with DLSS 3.5 and more

Nvidia has released a game ready update for The First Descendant with top features available on day one. AMD and Intel have also dropped graphics drivers for the game, and super resolution technologies are essential for 4K gameplay on Unreal Engine 5. Are you excited for the release of The First Descendant, and do you [...]


YouTube demonetises DrDisrespect's channel "following serious allegations" against streamer

Streamer and influencer DrDisrespect is losing partnerships and support after being banned from Twitch and now having monetization suspended on his YouTube channel. Allegations of inappropriate behavior have impacted his career, leading to multiple companies distancing themselves from him. It raises questions about accountability and consequences in the world of online content creation. What responsibilities [...]


Friday, June 28, 2024

Ticket to Ride: Paris Board Game Review

Ticket to Ride: Paris offers a nostalgic trip back to 1920s Paris with its compact design and easy-to-learn gameplay. The addition of French flags adds a new strategic element, while the game itself sparks conversations about travel and transportation. Have you ever played Ticket to Ride in a different city or country? How did it [...]


Grab three free months of Game Pass with the Asus ROG Ally X

Best Buy is offering three free months of Game Pass with pre-orders of the Asus ROG Ally X, set to launch on July 22, 2024 for $799. The ha...